Hendra Stefanus Immanuel
Hendra Stefanus Immanuel was born on 21 September 1985.
He was born in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. He is the first child of four
siblings. He has been fat since he was a kid. His favourite food
is pig meat. He usually ask his mother to cook it for him. He is smart and
religious. When he was around three or four years old he got a burns because he
was playing with his aunt that time and he ran without looking. Fortunately he
was safe, but the marks were big and it still cover half of his chest.
He attended elementary school in Surabaya in 1992. It was
located in Rajawali Street. He got a high rank there. He also spent his three
years of Junior High School there. When he was in second grade, his teacher
told him to buy him a lunch in front of school building. So he followed his
teacher order and went there, but unfortunately he met someone. That someone
was a man who liked to dress as a woman but his manly side still dominance.
When Hendra ordered the lunch for his teacher, suddenly this man appeared and
tried to tease him by said that Hendra was really young. Hendra was really
scared and he ran immediately and left what he had ordered before. Until now,
He is still have a Goosebumps when he met a men who dressed like a women.
Usually he hide when the men who liked to dress as a women came to his
After graduated from Junior High School in 2002, He
attended Senior High School in different place, named SMAK Stella Maris. SMAK
Stella Maris was located in Indrapura Street. When he studied there, he also
joined The Student Association for two years straight. He also became a
coordinator of secretarial field in divinity. He retired from there in the
third year because he prepared for his National Exam. He chose social as his
major at that time. He did not like sport, but was good at civic education and
economy. He had many friends and some of them have already had a kids.
He worked after he had finished his senior high school in
2005. He got a scholar ship from Bank Central Asia and he worked there as a
teller for three years. While he was working, he took a class in a college,
named Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Didaskalia Surabaya. Actually, he wanted to be a
lawyer but he changed his mind and he came to theology school. He said that he
wanted to know more about his religion and about his life saviour. His God. He
worked from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and after that he took the class from 7 p.m.
until 10 p.m. and he went to his work place and college by public
transportation. After two years of working, he could buy his own motorcycle, so
he went to his work place and college more easily and he would not be late.
After his scholar ship ended, he applied for another job.
He applied in Prima Master Bank as a teller also in 2008. He found out that his
new work place was more enjoyable than his work place before. He enjoyed work
there, but the salary was not too high and he confused how to pay for his
tuition. So, he moved to another bank which offered a higher position and
bigger salary, and of course bigger responsibility. He took the job as a head
teller and he has worked there since 2011 until now. He also completed his
degree and had S1 title.
Hendra has not given up on his dream yet. He still want
to be a pastor but maybe not now. He always goes to church on Sunday and he
took a part of being an usher, singer, song leader, and Sunday schooler
teacher. Hendra liked to be around children. He found them really cute and they
could bring smile to other people. He still learn about theology with senior
pastor in all over Indonesia. He actively asked them and every day he became
more know and more understand about God’s love. When someone asked him what
would be happen after human death, he answered that every people should be in
heaven with God beside them because of God’s love and God’s grace which was
bigger than our sins.
year he will be celebrating his thirty one birthday. Usually, his family will
give him a birthday cake in the midnight and he will have a dinner together
with the main family. His parents always suggested him to get married. His
parents also knew that he liked children. His age was not young anymore they
said. But, Hendra has not even had a girlfriend and his parents always
complained about that. Hendra said that he wanted to take his time and became
success first so that he could make his beloved family happy.
Now he is still working in Mayapada Bank as a head teller
and usually he walk to his work place because now his house is near there. On Mondays
night, he goes to Grace Life Cell. On Thursdays night he goes to Grace Prayer Fellowship
in Church and he goes to Sunday fellowship every Sunday morning and afternoon.
On Saturdays, he usually spare his time for his family by goes to mall and
shopping because on Saturdays he is free from work. He likes to watch a movie
too so sometimes he watches movie in cinema when he have some spare time. He
rarely going out with his friends but it does not mean that he does not have a
friend or something. He has many friends but he choose to stay at home, gaming,
and sleeping. Because his free time is really minimize and he want to enjoy it
as much as possible without disturbance. He usually wake up late on Saturdays
because he does not have anything to do and he is free from his work.