A new kind of zodiac is flying elephant.
The elephant fly by flapping its ears. The elephant does not have wings. People
who have this zodiac, usually really confident and proud of himself because it is impossible
to find an elephant who can fly by using his ears. That is why he is so proud
of himself. Other attitude he has is wise and leadership. The oldest female of
elephant is the wisest. She usually lead the group of female elephant .Smart
is also one of his personality. Elephant is known to be a clever animal. Although
they eat herb they can be as strong as carnivore animal. Elephant is strong
enough to protect their baby from hunter like lion and tiger. So, people who
have this zodiac usually have a strong personality. They are not afraid with
another people and hardly convince to do something he does not want to. Even
though a flying elephant have many good personality, it has bad personality too.
People who has this kind of zodiac is easily get angry. They have bad temper and
sometimes people around them is annoyed by that. Another thing is they hardly
understand what other people say. They must have several second to think what
other say to them and after that they will respond. After all the flying
elephant like to socialise with people. They do not like being alone so, never
leave them alone if you do not want them to be sad.
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