Friday, May 13, 2016

Journal 4

Times flies! Exam week will be coming soon. Maybe it will be the last journal that I write, and because of the busy days I will not write too often. So far, this writing class really helps me to improve my writing and improve my skill on English language. My friend and my lecturer feedback are helping me to improve better too.

Last time, I told you that I was writing an opening of my own narrative story. The story is completed now and the title is the dark forest. Some of my friends read it and it was nice to know that someone out there is reading your story and want to know more about it. I also read some of my friends work and they have different topic and different style of writing the story. For me I used past tense to write narrative and some of past perfect. I also used direct, indirect speech on my story so that my writing looks interesting. I have learned how to make a narrative and I want to make another one sometime.

The last assignment of this class is writing a biography. Different from autobiography, biography is telling about someone life. The lecturer has already given some of article about how to write a biography.  We should write in third person and use present tense, and also we should interview one of a person that worth to tell to people. I still searching for that person, so yeah, I have not interviewed any.

Okay then I better thinking about who will be the one I write, better see you soon guys. God bless you.

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