Friday, March 11, 2016

Journal 2

It has been one month since I wrote the Journal. Now it is nearly the examination week. Time has flied really quick, hasn't it ? I learn new things of course. This writing class help me to know better about grammar, punctuation, and to organize the story well. After the last Journal that I had posted it, we learned about autobiography. 

When I wrote about my self and and about my life, I realised that I am still have a lot of weakness that I should improve. I am not doing really  good in article. I have some, I mean a lot of mistakes there. and also about the adjective. I am still a bit confused about that. I think I should read back my structure one book. 

The lecturer said that we should keep the feed back paper and fix the mistakes. I keep my feed back paper and read it. I have a lot of things, expecially the grammar that I want to remember. I remember it so I will not make the same mistakes ever again. I can use this information to write better and share it to my friends. 

Oh, right. The mid-term test is starting this monday. I think I should study from now on. About writing test of course we should be writing something, so I start to learn about all the weakness that I have told you. I must study really hard and try to make a story. I will check all my story and correcting them, so all the reader will be happy and my score will makes me satisfide. Thank you.

Important day of my life.

I was born on October 9th 1997. My parents take a good care of me and I am really grateful to have them. They give me love and knowledge. I try my best to make them proud. On August 2008 my sister was married and I was really happy to see her with a white dress and big smile. She looked so pretty. My brother and I sang a song on that day. We enjoyed the party and the food.

The next event is when I came to Junior High School. I had studied in Jakarta, and then moved to Surabaya. I studied at Stella Maris Junior High School and I was nervous because it had been three years since I came back to Surabaya. On the first day of MOS. MOS is the school activity to introduce the school system or building to a new students. I met a friend. Her name was Deborah. She did not know anyone too, so she made friend with me.

After graduating from Junior High School, I went to Stella Maris Senior High School. It turned out that I went to a different class with all my friends from Junior High, so I had to search for new friends, I found five people that really match for tastes and hobbies with me, their name were Meliana, Sonia, Angelia, Debra, and Lisa. We can communicate well and it made me happy to go anywhere with them. I am still in contact with them until now. We hang out together when he have a free time.

That is a picture of us when we went to Tunjungan Plaza a few months ago.

When I was in Junior High School, I used to be lazy and all of my friend is the same, that was why my score was not too good. In High School, I came out to a class which every student there is smart and diligent. It is hard at first and I almost be the last person in the class. When I was down, my friends helped me with my study. We studied together and we made a group in a social media to talk about all the assignment and homework. They taught me about a subject that I did not know and so did I. In the end I passed my final exam with good grades. That was all thanks to them who support and helped me. 

I think life could not get any better and my thought was right. In the second year I had to go to a different class. I think that two or one of my friend would be with me but I was wrong. They went to same class and I am all alone. I asked the academic adviser to moved me to their class, but she said that I would be really loud and it would distract my score and all of my friends score. I cried when she said that and Meliana said that it was okay and she said that she would go to my class in the break time. One day, two days until one week, she and I ate together in canteen but the other did not. I became really close with Meliana. I am getting used to it after some time and Meliana started to get close to Tirta because she thought that she was not really accepted in the group. I learned to be independent and responsible on doing my assignment and my studied. I realised that no one can help you except yourself.

Friday, March 4, 2016

People around me

People around me

Hi guys, now I will tell you about my family and my friends.

That is a picture of them. In my opinion I have the most beautiful mom ever. Her name is Anna Inggawati Widjaya. She is fifty one years old now but she looks younger than her age. The photo was taken when we celebrated her fiftieth birthday. My Mom is smaller than me. It is nice to hug her anyway. My mother is a house wife. In front of my Mom is my father. He has light-brown skin and a cute smile. His name is Yoseph Taryadi. Actually his name is Ong Sien Kiat, but his father changed it to Indonesian name. He is fifty four years old. He has a beer belly but his body is not fat. He is love to listen the music especially Chinese song. He plays it loud and he repeats it over and over again. Sometimes I join him to sing but we do not know the lyrics so we just randomly say the words. My father work to support the family. He paid for all the study for me and my other three siblings. He does not like to drink water so, my mother usually make him a cup of tea or coffee. Every one say that I look like my father. My face is round and so does him. And also the eyes is similar. No matter how hard I deny that, I still look like him.

          My parents have four kids. The first one is Hendra, and then Vivi, after that Victor, and I am the last. Beside my mom is me and my two brothers. The one who is sitting next to me is the oldest of us. His name is Hendra Stefanus Immanuel. He is thirty years old now. He works in a bank as a head teller. Next, is my sister. She sits in front of my brothers. Her name is Vivi Susanti and next to her is her husband. Her husband is Immanuel Setyo Wibowo. My sister is twenty nine years old now and her husband is thirty six years old. He does not look that old, does he? My sister is a house wife and her husband works in a bank as a manager. The last but not least is my brother. His name is Victor Antonius Immanuel. He is twenty seven years old. He works as a salesman in one of insurance company.  My sister and her husband live in Jakarta. My brother, Victor stays with them. Sometimes I go to Jakarta when it is holiday. My aunt and her family also live there, so I can visit them too. My parents, ko hendra (I use to call my brother with ko) and I live in Surabaya. We usually spend the weekend together. We go to mall and eat out. Every Sunday we go to Church. Ohh.. I have a pet too. I have one Pomeranian dog. Her name is Chelsea. She is seven years old now. She is so adorable and she always sit or lay beside me or my mother.
          Next is my friends. I have a few friends in University. They help me with a lot of stuffs. I like being around them. They are really funny and sometimes their craziness is the one that I miss when I get home. Although I have some friends, I have one that I know from the first time I go to University. He was in my group of PPK. PPK is an activity to let the new students know more about University life. Actually, I hardly get close to other. I am afraid that they like me and talk good in front of me but everything they said is just in front of me. I am afraid that they will talk bad about me in front of other people. That is why I do not want to tell anything to a friend. It is not that I do not believe them. I am afraid that someone that I believe is two faces and it will destroy our friendship. However, I can tell my real feeling to my high school friend. I know her really well and she is always give me a good advice. She has the same opinion with me. I feel like she is my own sibling.

At first I did not know much about them and judge them with my own kind of view. But it is all different from what I thought. They are not as bad as I thought. They are like that because they do not know me well and so do I. I think that is why people said not to judge people by its cover. Everyone is kind in the way they are, they mean because we do not want to get close and know them more. Now. We have our own group in one of social media and almost every day we talk. There are nine people in the group and there are five girls and four boys. This semester we become one group in almost every team work assignment from the teacher. It is not like we cannot be with other, we just feel that it will become easier if the group stay like this. We will not be angry with each other and the assignment will have done by the time teacher ask for it. Sometimes we do the assignment in KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) in Basuki Rahmat.. We do our work and eat in the same time. It is kind of fun.

          When we are in holidays, sometimes we go to mall or many public places together. Not long ago, we go to Museum Angkut in Batu, Malang. But not nine of us went there. My three friends and I and three other friends. One of them is ours senior. We rent a car and we went there early in the morning and arrive at home at night. We had lunch together and bought a small gift for family. Before we went home we had had dinner in food festival near my house. No matter how tired we are, we still want to go together and make an unforgettable memory.