Friday, February 19, 2016

Journal 1

In the first meeting, Mrs. Ruruh and Mr. Johanes explained about our assignment and how to make a blog. From this writing 1 lesson, I learn how to make a blog and I think it is good because the university gives us more skill. The second meeting, we went to lab and started our lessons. In the beginning, Mrs. Ice explained about Part of Speech and gave us an example of the good sentence and the bad one so we can improve our writing skill. Then, after we learned we did the assignment right away. We should write unforgettable experience and it was so exciting. I did the assignment immediately, but the time was up, so I continue my assignment at home. After, I post my writing, Mrs. Ing Checked it. Unfortunately, I had so many mistakes because I forgot something. I want to improve my grammar so my post here will not have a grammatical error. I still have to learn many things. But, it is not I do not learn anything here. I learn many new things in this writing class and I feel so grateful about it. I have learned that a good sentence should have at least noun and verb. I have learned that a sentence should be at least seven words. It helps me to improve my English.

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